If you are voting in the upcoming school board and city council election, it’s time to register, check your registration, or request an advance ballot by mail.
This can all be done by visiting KSVOTES.ORG. The deadline to register is October 17th.
Once registered, you can begin advance voting on Oct 18, 2023.
In-person voting at your ward's polling site takes place on Tuesday November 7th- Election Day.
Advance voting can be done by mail or in person.
To advance vote in person go to the County Clerk's office in the Leavenworth County Courthouse, 300 Walnut St Suite 106. Each advance voter must show photo ID before receiving a ballot. Click here to be taken directly to the County Clerk's Election webpage for details.
To vote by mail you must complete an application for an advance voting ballot and
Click here to go to the mail in ballot application.
mail to 300 Walnut St, Suite 106 Leavenworth, KS 66048
email to elections@leavenworthcounty.gov
fax it to the election office at (913) 680-1489.
A separate application must be submitted for each election.
Voters who request advance ballots by mail must submit either their valid driver’s license number or copies of photographic identification documents.
Your completed application must be received at the election office before 5pm on the Tuesday prior to the election- October 31st.
Submit your application early to avoid delays.
Ballots will be mailed to voters beginning 20 days before the election.
Election Day voting is done at these polling places in Lansing:
Ward 1:
Fire District No 1
Fire Station, 111 E Kansas
Ward 2:
Lansing Community Room, 800 1st Ter
Wards 3 and 4:
St Francis de Sales Church, 900 Ida Street
If you're not sure which ward you live in, click here and hover over your address. You can zoom in on the map to find your street.
Below is a list of your Rights & Responsibilities as a Voter in the State of Kansas:
